S2AI Navigation Guides
Features and Benefits
Compared to traditional iliac trajectory, placement of S2AI screws using the FIREFLY® Platform reduces screw prominence and improves screw head alignment with S1
screw heads without the use of a connector[1] as the entry site is typically in-line with lumbar and S1 pedicle screws.
Compared to traditional iliac trajectory, placement of S2AI screws using the FIREFLY® Platform reduces screw prominence and improves screw head alignment with S1
screw heads without the use of a connector as the entry site is typically in-line with lumbar and S1 pedicle screws.[2]
The S2AI Screw trajectory has proven to provide a more stable form of fixation for
long construct cases and better caudal anchoring points that can be utilized in both the adult and pediatric populations[3][4][5].
1. Kebaish, 2010 (per FF-PSG-1103_B)
2. Elder BD, Ishida W, Lo SL, Holmes C, Goodwin CR, Kosztowski TA, Bydon A, Gokaslan ZL, Wolinsky JP, Sciubba DM, Witham TF.
Use of S2-Alar-iliac Screws Associated With Less Complications Than Iliac Screws
in Adult Lumbosacropelvic Fixation. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).
2017 Feb;42(3):E142-E149. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001722. PMID: 27254657.
3. Guler Umit Ozgur., Cetin Engin., Yaman Onur., et al. Sacropelvic fixation in adult spinal deformity (ASD);
a very high rate of mechanical failure. Eur Spine J 2015;24:1085–91
4. Ilyas Haariss., Place Howard., Puryear Aki. A Comparison of Early Clinical and Radiographic Complications of Iliac Screw Fixation Versus S2 Alar Iliac
( S2AI ) Fixation in the Adult and Pediatric Populations.
J Spinal Disord Tech 2015;28:199– 205
5. Sponseller Paul D., Zimmerman Ryan M., Ko Phebe S., et al. Low profile pelvic fixation with the sacral alar iliac technique in the pediatric population
improves results at two-year minimum follow-up.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2010;35:1887–92.